
Please see the Home page of the website for this weeks services!

Please note that during August, there are two Sunday Services in the Abbey, at

9.00am BCP Holy Communion

11.00am All Age Worship

We look forward to seeing you at these services!

We would love to welcome you over the coming months.

This is our regular service pattern.

Every Sunday9amHoly Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
1st to 4th Sundays10.30amHoly Communion (Common Worship, without choir on the 4th Sunday)
5th Sunday11amCelebration Praise Service (without Communion)
1st to 4th Sundays4pmInformal Worship (with Junior Church, band, readings, talk)
4th Sunday
Choral Evensong (Book of Common Prayer with choir)
Monday to Saturday9amMorning Prayer in St Aldhelm’s Chapel
Every Wednesday10.30amHoly Communion (Common Worship)

For more information about our upcoming services click on the links below: