Malmesbury Abbey Books Ltd
The Abbey Bookshop is open every day the Abbey is open. Access may be restricted when there are events taking place in the Abbey, such as weddings and funerals, but otherwise you are welcome to browse any time the Abbey is open.
The bookshop is much more than a bookshop. Of course, we sell books but we also have a wide range of greeting cards and gifts.
The Malmesbury Bibles are quite extraordinary, but not for sale! So we have our own selection of God’s Word in more accessible and portable formats.
John 20:30-31 ESV
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
We also have a range of books, for adults and children, to support, grow, explain, inspire us in our journey as disciples for Jesus.
We are in a historic building in a historic town, and history is all around us. If the stones could speak to us, what stories they could tell us! But as they don’t talk to us, historians have scoured documents far and wide in order to understand how the Abbey and town came to be what they are today. Their passion has driven them to share their knowledge with us through some immensely interesting books and we have a good selection of these.
Malmesbury is on the southerly edge of the Outstanding Area of Natural Beauty that is the Cotswolds. There is so much to discover in this special landscape and the bookshop has guide books, maps and more.
If books aren’t your thing, then it’s still possible to take away a souvenir from the Abbey to remind you of your visit. Not just the usual keyrings, magnets, tea towels, (and many other goodies) but also biscuits, fudge and other “eatables”, and most importantly honey from our local beekeeper.
We are very proud of our selection of greeting cards. We have cards for all occasions, both Christian and secular. We shouldn’t blow are own trumpet but we do stock some rather lovely ones! And of course, the inevitable postcards.
So do pop in to have a browse, you’ll find a warm welcome from our bookshop team. And if you can’t find what you were looking for, we’ll do our best to find it for you. Email: books@malmesburyabbey.com
mobile: 07733 806226

Good choice of Athelstan 1100 souvenirs available from the Malmesbury Abbey Bookshop!