Malmesbury Abbey

The Lord bless you and keep you… Numbers 6: 24


Forthcoming Services at Malmesbury Abbey

Please scroll down for more information about the services!!

Sunday 23rd February

8.00am BCP Holy Communion

9.30am Abbey @9.30am Service for children / families

11.00am Abbey @11.00am Holy Communion

6.00pm Abbey @6.00pm Informal Service (come at 5.30pm for coffee and cakes!)

Rodbourne: 10.30am CW Holy Communion

Brokenborough: 9.30am: CW Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday

10.30am Holy Communion at Malmesbury Abbey

We look forward to welcoming you!

Streaming: Services at Malmesbury Abbey are live-streamed and can be watched online. Please be aware of this when you come to services, the front three rows are visible, so please sit further back if you prefer not to be seen.

Regular Services at Malmesbury Abbey:

Abbey @8.00am

On the 2nd and 4th Sundays.   

A quiet reflective service, stepping back in time, using the more traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer, and with Holy Communion. No music is used.  

Abbey @9.30am

A time for families to come together to share and have fun learning about God’s love for us. Pastries and coffee, music, drama, activities and prayer in an informal Cafe-style setting. Every Sunday. 

Abbey @11.00am

Holy Communion, with Bible teaching and hymns, accompanied by our Malmesbury Abbey choir. Tea and coffee available after this service. Every Sunday. 

Abbey @3.30pm

Held on the first Sunday of each month. 

Choral Evensong, a peaceful service led by our Malmesbury Abbey robed choir, gives the opportunity to be inspired by the beauty of choral singing.  

Abbey @6.00pm

An informal service, a focus on deepening our faith with Bible teaching and music led by a band. Tea and Coffee will be served from 5.30pm Every Sunday. 

For our regular service pattern see under ‘Services‘ on main Menu

Click here to view our streamed services live as they happen.

Normal Opening Times: The Abbey is open for visitors Monday to Saturday from 9:30am to 4.00pm and on Sundays from 12.30pm-3.30pm.

Abbey Bookshop: We are open Monday to Saturday 9.30am to 3.30pm.

Abbey Cafe: We are open Monday to Saturday 9.30am to 3.30pm

LITTLE STARS – Malmesbury Abbey Toddler Group Monday mornings 10.00am


Donations to Malmesbury Abbey

Our activities, outreach and worship in this ancient Abbey building rely solely on voluntary financial support.

Would you consider making a donation to help our work continue to thrive?

For more information about giving (click here) or give a one off gift by clicking the link below or scanning the QR code. Thank you!

Pastoral Support

If you are isolated, have practical needs or would like a phone call from one of our pastoral team, please call the Parish Office on 01666 826666 or email

Social Media & Addresses

Circular cross logo

Malmesbury Abbey, Gloucester Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 0AA

The Abbey Office, Holloway, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9BA
Tel: 01666 826666

The PCC of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Malmesbury with Westport and Brokenborough is a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 1146631) whose registered office is at The Abbey Office, The Old Squash Courts, Holloway, Malmesbury SN16 9BA

© 2017-2023 Malmesbury Abbey