Please see Oliver’s Vision Talk from the APCM meeting which took place on Sunday 30 May:
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) took place on Sunday 30 May, 2021, after the 10:30am service.
This is an important occasion when the whole Abbey Congregation can have an annual review of the state of the Abbey, its ministries and its finance, as well as vote for members of its governing body, the PCC.
Important documents for the APCM can be found by clicking on the two links below:
Ministry Reports APCM Sunday 30 May
Abbey Trustees Reports and Accounts
Parish of Malmesbury Abbey and Brokenborough Electoral Roll
We have just completed a review of the Parish Electoral Roll and currently have 265 members. A copy of the Electoral Roll is available for inspection in the Parish Office.
If you have not yet applied, why not join and enjoy the advantages of belonging to the Roll? It demonstrates that you belong to the Parish, and we can use your contact details to provide information about Parish activities and the streaming of Parish worship opportunities.
Printed copies are available at the back of the Abbey, from the Parish Office, or by clicking here.
Completed forms should be returned to the Parish Office.
Not everyone on the roll has provided an email address and not everyone who is on our distribution list is on the electoral roll, if this includes you, please sign up now!
Finally, if your details have changed, please email or telephone on: 01666 826666 and let us know!